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Great Big A DISTANT SOIL Update

It’s been awhile since I update anything on this page, not because I’ve abandoned the project, but because I often update elsewhere.

Most of you are wondering when I’m going to get back to A Distant Soil. Naturally, I thought I’d have it finished by now, but I’d have been stupid not to accept a series of important projects that have been successful and fulfilling on every level, and are helping me to finance the year it is going to take to bring the book home.

Currently, I am working on the graphic novel adaptation of Good Omens, the bestselling novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It ended up being the largest comic crowdfunder in Kickstarter history, but is taking a bit longer than I hoped, in part due to my recovery from cancer treatment. You can read about it here.

You can also order it in advance HERE.

I’m incredibly grateful to be working with the Terry Pratchett estate and Neil on this incredible project, and their support is a heavenly thing indeed.

In addition to Good Omens, I’ve worked on several very successful projects with Neil which have enjoyed multiple printings, and some nice awards.


I’ve also worked on published prose projects, illustrations, and have been incredibly privileged to have my work in several museum exhibits around the country and the world, including solo exhibits at the Society of Illustrators, The Comic Art Museum, and the San Diego Comic Con Museum.

In 2024, I’ll be at Charlotte Heroes Con in June, Galaxy Comic Con in Raliegh in July, DragonCon, and New York Comic Con.

While cancer treatment ate up a lot of the funds I was setting aside to work on A Distant Soil, I should have the resources to carve out the time I need to work on it when Good Omens is complete at the end of the summer. I will also finalize a large slate of private commissions that have been hanging fire.

The first thing I am going to do when Good Omens is complete is finally learn how to add tones to my line art using a computer art program. Until now I’ve always done it by hand, but it’s no longer practical to do so because the sheets are not only getting harder to come by, and the ones I do have are so old the adhesive has no tack.

Here’s a sneak peek.

You can find me at my Patreon and at my Substack.

As always, thanks for your interest.

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