11 Things Designers Should Avoid: Guest Blog by Val Trullinger
Often I get interns and designers who are dab hands at InDesign and Photoshop, but lack crucial skills that aren't always taught in design classes. Namely, how to work with other designers, clients, and an art director. It's wonderful that you can design mind-blowing work, but if you can't get along with your studio, you're doomed. This is a hard lesson for some. Luckily, that's why the gods invented art directors: to school the uppity.
Happy Birthday, Kewpies!!! April 25.
While almost everyone has heard of the Kewpie Doll, almost no one I know in comics has any familiarity with its creator Rose O'Neill, who was once one of the most famous women in the world.
FAQ: The Word on Fanfic
Dear Colleen, I know you have a lot to worry about with your work and how you want it to be used, and I always want to respect the creators and their opinions about their work. So, I was just wondering what you would think if I wrote A Distant Soil fanfic. I would not sell it or anything, I just want to write stories for myself. Is it all right if I show it to people or post it on my blog? I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. I respect your hard work and your opinion, and would not do anything you do not want…