ALL of A DISTANT SOIL VOLUME I is now on the site free for you to read! We are now uploading Volume II five days a week, and sometimes twice a day. We are basically going BACKWARDS in time to restore pages in order. The posts will not appear as new posts on the home page, but will appear in the original order, on the original dates so we can preserve as many of the comments as possible. If you are trying to read along, remember the home page won’t show updates for story pages posted prior to 2014. Use our handy bookmark feature right under the Twitter symbol at…
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Thank you once again to Alejandro Valdes for your donation. However, the package I shipped as a gift to your friend was returned, and you have not answered my emails. Please contact me as soon as possible!
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Denise Conner, your most generous donation is most appreciated. Thank you so very much for supporting A Distant Soil! My tip jar thanks you, the comic thanks you, I thank you, and everyone who reads the comic thanks you! Join my nifty Facebook fan page.
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THANK YOU JOSH JUSTIC! Your support is MOST appreciated!!! Join my nifty Facebook fan page.
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Our sponsor today is C. David Dent. I am very appreciative of your support! Thank you so much! This was one of the pages that was part of the December donation incentive, and it went to a very good home.
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Today’s benefactor is Joshua Pantalleresco, and we are most grateful and humbled by your patronage, good sir! Join my nifty Facebook fan page.
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And lo, Diana Green came unto my website, and she hit my tip jar, and she crossed my palm with silver. And it was good! Thanks, Diana!
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Once again, I thank one of my most ardent supporters, Justin Kim, for his very generous donation. You make me dance and sing! No, really. I do.
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The patron of the day is the generous and much-appreciated Chris McCombs! Thank you so very much for your support!
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Our noble and generous patron of today is Marcy Fitz-Randolph. THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY MUCH!