A Distant Soil: The Gathering Page 9

Thanks for stopping by. I’ll be posting pages DAILY for awhile.

I have high hopes that the increasing traffic at the site can help finance the time it will take for me to draw the end of the series, which is going to take a year’s full time effort, at least. Will I be able to set aside all my other work for awhile? We’ll see.

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  • BardChild

    Go kids go!

    Am I the only one that wants to write a crossover fic with Avatar: The Last Airbender and a Distant Soil?

  • Donna M.

    You guys aren’t the only ones who’ve been considering this, I can promise you that! Colleen, if you haven’t seen ATLA please do so before the movies ruin the franchise.

  • Colleen


    You know, I don’t think there’s a whole lot of A Distant Soil fanfic online, but I predict a flood of it in the near future.

    I once saw a Batman/A Distant Soil fanfic. It was very naughty.

  • Colleen

    BTW, is it completely daffy of me to be fascinated by these ads? I couldn’t help it, I just had to look at that Qatar airlines ad. Now I want to take one of those special rate flights to the middle east. It’s just so tempting. That airline ad makes it look like you are going to Dubai on a magic carpet, even if you’re flying coach.

  • BardChild

    @Donna: Colleen, if you haven’t seen ATLA please do so before the movies ruin the franchise.

    am I the only on that isn’t butthurt over the casting? I mean I was at first. But jeeeez D: Anyway I second this, Collen you would love Avatar the Last Airbender.

  • Colleen

    To be honest, I have avoided seeing it because some fans accused me of stealing the whole idea of the avatar from that show. And, of course, my work predates that show.

    Maybe I will give it a look anyway.

  • BardChild

    Quote Colleen: ” I have avoided seeing it because some fans accused me of stealing the whole idea of the avatar from that show. And, of course, my work predates that show….I know, that’s totally weenie of me, isn’t it?


    LOOOOOL I can understand why. XD the World of Four Nations’s Avatar and the Ovanian Avatar have some similaries. Such as, Liana or Seren tapping into the collective is very similar to Aang going to the Avatar State drawing on all the energy of his past lives.

    Big differances too like the Avatar is a genetic inhiertance whilist in the Four Nations it goes through a Reincarnation cycle. One Avatar at a time in World of Four Nations but obviously you could have two in your fic….

    Neverthelest Kung fu action pyschokenisis and awesome old dudes…Avatar is teh shit

  • Colleen

    Eh, thing that bothers me is that this will make it harder for me to bring A Distant Soil to new people. Because anyone not familiar with my work will assume I pinched my ideas.

    Had the same problem with my crystal ship. Some other comic pinched it and I actually had fans coming up to me at a show and saying I stole it. So, I had to show them the original copyright date on my work.

    That shut them up, but I can’t do that one person at a time!

    Oh well, maybe I shouldn’t worry so much. Superman was the first superhero to fly: lots of superheros have been flying ever since!

  • Colleen

    You are absolutely right. I am too sensitive to this sort of thing! I should just give it a go and not worry about what dopey people who don’t even buy my comics think.

  • BardChild

    I was upset about this at first…but then I got over it. I am still seeing the movie and the cast is apparently only four people. And apparently even if they pull off the characters personalities to a fucking T they are still not good enough because BAWWW they’re white…

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