A DISTANT SOIL: Chapter 4 Page 7
Today’s decorative display of masculine fisticuffs was brought to you by our noble sponsor VAL TRULLINGER, art director extraordinaire! Val participated in the latest donation incentive drive, and very handsome books about Caravaggio are on their way to her right now.

Folks, sorry about this, but there was a flaw on the original scan which made it to the final post here. It’s kind of a pain in the butt to repost, but fortunately I did have the original art and was able to replace the scan for the archives.
I’m pretty careful about making sure the scans are as good as they can be before I sell the originals, and I really don’t know how that blob got on this page. It’s not on the original art.
I’m immensely amused that I sponsored hawt men getting sweaty with each other, before I’d even finished my coffee. 😉
Colleen Doran