A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 4 Page 14
OK all, come back on Monday to see if they get it on, or if D’mer shows up and kicks Bast’s butt.
Our biggest patron of all time is the uber-awesome Allan Harvey, and we send many many thanks for years of kindness and cheerleading!

This page is as hot as yesterday’s. I need some ice. MEOW!
Here kitty!
I can has Avatar nao plz? Kthxbai
She whispers in his ear and now he will follow her anywhere.
And I found a couple of limited edition GN’s which I was supposed to have shipped ages ago buried in here. Thank goodness I am cleaning out all this stuff.
I also found long missing contracts, a signed photo release, and a sock.
So that’s where my sock went… 🙂
I have been known to use old (clean) socks for dusting, but not the kind of sock I found.
My guess is I pulled an all-nighter, and was just exhausted and dropped my shows and socks right there in the office. And I shuffled some papers and a sock got in there, went into a box, and petrified.
I take no responsibility for what dumb crap I might do at 5 AM. All-nighters produce an altered mental state. I’m sure I would be able to prove diminished mental capacity in court. So, there’s probably a dead body in a file somewhere, and I whatever I did, I don’t remember it!
By the way, I lost a set of keys in October, and only found them while doing this massive cleanup…they were in a bookcase!
So this fundraising and generous dispursal has been of additional benefit to you! Finding keys is fun.
Since it was my car key, house key and mailbox key, you bet.
I’ve been relying on the spares I gave my family.
I knew the keys had to be in here somewhere. It’s not like you can get out to this mountain without a car. And the key to it.
Laurie Sutton
“… there’s probably a dead body in a file somewhere, and… whatever I did, I don’t remember it!” LOL! What a great idea for a CSI episode!
I, too, had a recent bout of manic filing that kept me up until the wee hours, and can only hope I didn’t bury any socks — or bodies.
I just put our ComicSpace contract ads back up, and lo, there’s an ad for a Trojan vibrating mini. Just in time for this scene.
Colleen Doran