A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 5 Page 1
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The noble and gracious SONIA TAN crosses my palm with silver and sponsors A Distant Soil today with a hat tip in the jar! THANK YOU!!!

I was so happy with the way the hands turned out on this page.
see? Even Merai hates Bast.
Carla Speed McNeil
I still keep expecting someone to throw a tomato at him for wearing last season’s color while caught up in prophetic rapture. There’s just no excuse for letting oneself go.
Oh my God, did you see his shoes?
Totally ew.
Hm, from a guys perspective, I dont quite get why Bast should be ‘hated’.. :-/
From a creator’s perspective, I don’t hate her, either.
hee hee… that qualification did not go unnoticed 🙂
There’s just some stuff I figured out (I think) that kind of supports my idea about her, but I can’t post it here because it has to do with some serious spoilers… I’ll email it to you later…
Colleen Doran
UPDATED. Once again, due to slow load times, I’m posting pages at slightly lower res.