A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 5 Page 2
Yolanda Kozak put a tip in my jar, and that brings you the pages. It pays for the website and the roof over the poor artist’s head, as the storm rages outside and drops another five inches of snow on my sad little farm. Woe is me!
THANK YOU YOLANDA! Don’t forget to let me know what books you wanted.

I like this page quite a lot.
Carla Speed McNeil
“You see this? This the queen. But she ain’t no bitch. She smart, she fast. She move any way she want, as far as she want. And she is the go-get-shit-done piece.”
I’m going to start coming in every day just to see what Carla writes! LOL! 🙂
But I agree. Niniri has been so sweet-looking and serene up to now. And then there’s her expression at the word “demand”, and it all falls away.
But Carla’s comments ARE fun! 😀
I’m told the time stamps on comments are behaving badly. Let me know if this continues.
I wonder if there’s an Ovanan equivalent to the phrase “don’t MAKE me put my shoes on and go over there!”
The time stamps appear to be 1 hour off.
Daylight savings time. I’m not going to bother with it.
Hail Niniri — the lady that reduced me to a quivering wreck of tears and might-have-beens. But that’s a story for another time…
Colleen Doran