A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 2 Page 15
Most generous benefactor Jeremiah Avery, your noble sacrifice of $100 brings you a page of art and pays for me to draw a page of art! Thank you, thank you!
The blurbs on this site are beginning to sound a lot like National Public Radio.
Our super-awesome donation incentive GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 5 is an original page of art from A Distant Soil! Click on the link for more details!
You get to read for free online, and every $100 donation gets YOU a page of art and ME the money to make another page of art! Everybody wins!
Thank you also to the scores of new readers. Your clicks here at the official A Distant Soil website finance the book. Thank you for supporting creators rights and my work!
If you vote for us in this amusing webcomics thingy, you will help us onto the front page, and bring the comic to the attention of lots of new readers. Thanks again!

Colleen Doran
I still can’t believe she’s wearing Seren’s snot rags XD. It was funny when I first read it in the book and it’s still funny!
Colleen Doran
It is, I made it a background story point that Kovar is a neat freak with a thing for handkerchiefs, and one of those things that will never make it into the comic is that Kovar pushed the constant use of handkercheifs on Seren. The more you know.