A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 2 Page 17
The handsome naked fellow will be on page one all weekend. This will either bring in many new readers, or drive many new readers away.
Let’s sit back and watch.
The noble and lovely patroness Gillian Arsenault honors me with a tip to the hat jar of $100! And for this, the gracious lady gets a page of original art, and pays for me to draw ANOTHER page!
Thanks to the VERY generous donations of the web readers, you have paid for EIGHT pages of the next issue of A Distant Soil! I am absolutely delighted and can hardly believe it, frankly.
Hm, maybe there’s something to this webcomic thingy after all!
Our donation incentive GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 5, 2009 is an original page of art from A Distant Soil! Click on the link for more details!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting my work! Thank you so much for coming to my official website to read it!

Love this page…Naked Distant Soil Boys…Gimme More !!!
Bill Myers
So, when you said “tasteful,” you actually meant “tasteful.” I’m disappointed. What happened to the orgy scene that I remember? Oh, wait, I made that up in my head. Never mind.
I don’t read ADS for the naughtiness, anyway. I read it because it’s actually, you know, thought-provoking.
Well, that, and Bast is hot.
Carla Speed McNeil
It IS very funny to see that five-year-old boy’s expression on Seren’s face. In an ordinary manga, he’d just say “BOOOOOOBS.” With drool. So thanks for the subtlety, it’s much funnier!
what I find is that it is very amusing how Liana is just taking this all in stride. She’s lost her parents and three of her siblings, her only living sibling remaining is missing, she spent years being tortured, experimented on and ended up with epilepsy, has been shot at and escaped from the prison she was in. Yet here she is, assimilating with ease into this alien society. As if she belonged there from the beginning.
Well, she does have Rieken living in her head.
And she spent years living in a mental hospital.
I think she’s adapted to the unusual.
What, no gratuitous female nudity? How will you ever garner any success in the comics industry and be honored to be invited to a Wizard World convention? 😉
You have to wait a little later for the gratuitous female nudity.
And then my book will be very popular.
Torsten Adair
Nice… dandelions.
There were words? Just a sec…
Actually, and I say this as a high compliment because I love your luscious line work, the writing is even better than the artwork!
There’s “nude” (objective fine art), “naked” (everyday illustration), and “nekkid” (art which is appreciated in private). These fine botanists are naked. (Another compliment… even your “nekkid” artwork is tasteful!)
“Tasteful” is a nice description, but I prefer “toothsome”.
Here’s some tasteful female nudity from Colleen:
I remember when I bought this from Colleen, she was sitting down as I picked up the page and was looking at it. I was initially attracted by the content and then I was admiring the overall page design. I did not realize that Colleen could see from the back what i was looking at. I don’t recall the exact words she said but my dark skin hid my blushes well!
That page is a TOTAL SPOILER! Do not click if you don’t want the spoiler! LOL!
I have all the rest of the art from that short story. I will probably post it later.
Sorry about that, but it’s a great page!
Colleen Doran
Ahh, I clicked before I saw the spoiler warning! >.<
Man when I read this as a young’un I didn’t really get the incredible significance of Rieken being drawn to a dandelion of all things. My original take was ‘Oh Rieken, you adorable little dork, that’s a weed.’ But someone like him finding a plant that can exhibit its birth, life, death, and subsequent rebirth all at once is an incredible thing. No wonder he found it so magnificent!
Colleen Doran
🙂 Glad you noticed! Thank you!