A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 2 Page 18
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To “Doo-Doo Head” or not to “Doo-Doo Head”. That is the question.
I seem to recall there being some debate over whether or not Liana would be so immature as to say something like “Doo-Doo Head”.
This was distressing to me, since I use terms like “Doo-Doo Head”. I expect that my arch delivery lends it the gravitas required for particularly cutting results.
I think Liana by nature prefers not to use the full nasty terms she hears others use (well, except when she calls Niniri the you-know-what, and Niniri has to look it up. Heh). Liana’s on that threshold between utter childhood and “knowing better”. I’d think she would cling to some childhood things because what she’s going through is rather tumultuous.
From now on I am calling you in to explain everything. Everything that Carla doesn’t explain first.
Doo-Doo Head stays.
There is a time in childhood between “doodoohead” and “s41thead” that Liana is currently in. Sure, she’s 15, but she looks 12, acts 12, has a very mature mind giving her information as well, and she seems to just want to be a kid and not think about things like sex or relationships or anything else adult. She hasn’t lost her innocence of childhood which makes “doodoohead” entirely appropriate for her to say. I started reading ADS at the same age and even though I knew about it, I didn’t want to act on adult impulses. The first time I swore at someone because they wouldn’t leave me alone, I spent 20 minutes crying about it because I lost that part of my innocence. Now? I make truckers blush in full tirade. “Doodoohead” imo, works.
Comment made of WIN!
I appreciate it when you guys let me know I hit a chord.
Colleen Doran