A DISTANT SOIL: The Ascendant Chapter 3 Page 8
This page needed about 2 hours of restoration. Had I more Photoshop chops, probably would have been easier, but there you go.
This was shot from the book. Alas, for some reason, I used the wrong tone sheet for about a half dozen figures in this issue, and on random shots in earlier books. When printed, the tones went to mud, and the figures turned out almost flat black. Without the original art, I had to guess at the drawing beneath the tone sheet and carefully redo the details.
I’ve never done any Photoshop tones before, and have a lot to learn. Forgive my Novice Nelly performance.
I decided to leave Bast in the final panel as per the original scan, but you can see she’ll need some restoration in that shot, too.
For all future ADS pages, I will continue to use hand-applied Japanese tone sheets, but will save two versions of each page: one with tones and one without. This will be the last project on which I use hand applied sheets.
Anyway, nice to know I can do this sort of thing, now. There are some shots of Chris and Brent that could use a touch-up, too.
This whole webcomic thing is turning out to be a great opportunity to look at each page as an individual work. I’ve learned many new skills here.
I will redo what I can redo, but I’ve had to make some hard choices about what to leave as is. Had I my druthers, I’d be re-inking about 120 pages.
But I cannot! I must move on! New pages! Forward! Forward!
OK, enough of that. GO VOTE FOR ME!!! And thanks for your support. Seriously, I am so pleased with the incoming traffic to the site. Thanks for the rec’s, thanks for bringing in new readers. I really appreciate it!

I like this page – too bad you don’t have the original any more.
The middle panel reminds me of the cover to some Gothic romance novel.
Thanks! I’m just so pleased to know I’m able to restore some of these pages. It’s tedious going, but most pages take less than an hour for touch-up. I wasn’t able to touch up most of the earlier pages. I simply didn’t know how.
Colleen Doran