Cari and Tiar
This is Cari and Tiar, the elder brother and sister of Jason and Liana. They’ve only been seen in A DISTANT SOIL: SEASONS OF SPRING, a prequel to A DISTANT SOIL I haven’t finished yet. You can read what I have finished so far on this website for FREE.
This is another one of my early digital color experiments, and the high res files have been lost. So this has been posted from a lower res image.
Fortunately, I have the master files of the pencil art, and redoing the digital color shouldn’t be too hard, in case I need it for print. I quite like this image!

Stewart Vernon
Agree… this is really nice! If you did recolor, would you do it the same? I ask because a lot of times when I see stuff recolored there is a tendency for the recolor to be darker than the original. I don’t know if someone decided darker = better or what, and I’m not knocking all recolor work I’ve seen done either. Just something I’ve noticed, especially whenever it is something I have an earlier copy to compare to the new version. It could also be a digital thing, that newer digital coloring tends to be darker than older non-digital coloring perhaps?
No, I’d try to match the original. I have a technique that I use that would make it fairly easy to recreate these pieces.
Stewart Vernon
Cool. I happen to like the lighter pallet sometimes that gets forsaken on recolor.
Muriel Coudurier-Curveur
In your first book (yup, I have the volumes 1, 2, and 3 in hardback from years ago), Seren says that Aeren had 5 children, but Cari, Tiar, Jason, and Liana make 4 unless I’m mistaken
Seren is correct. You only see 4 children.