Etan and Child
The website is a little funky now as it is undergoing some repairs. It should be back to normal in a day or so.
UPDATE: FIXED. www.colleendoran.com still wonky, give us another day or so.
This is the only painting I did of Seren’s predecessor Etan. It’s a watercolor, and this was scanned from the original. It’s one of my favorite A DISTANT SOIL covers. One of my biggest influences was the German artist Sulamith Wulfing, and I think this piece shows a good deal of that. I would love to get back to doing some watercolors one of these days, I really enjoy them. But so many of my clients want digital art, so I am concentrating on that for now.
It’s such a pretty, peaceful image, but the context is kind of creepy, if you’ve read the book.