Coming in January, by Matt Hawkins who, in my humble opinion has the best mind for science fiction in comics, with art by me!
Long delayed (mostly by me, I love the irony of the title of the book and my feet dragging on the schedule) finally on the roster and available for preorder, and please do so now so your comic retailer will have those copies for you!
Many lovely words and preorder recommendations from multiple websites including SYFY and more, please do ask for it at your comic retailer NOW!
In The Clock, within three weeks, hundreds of millions of healthy people worldwide contract various forms of aggressive cancer and its proliferation—seemingly a viral outbreak—stumps the best scientific minds available. But after a leading cancer researcher loses his wife and watches his nine-year-old daughter begin to succumb to the same illness, he must race against the clock to end a global conspiracy that could propel the world straight into WWIII… or worse.
One of the things I’m enjoying most on this project is the covers, which are some of the best I’ve ever done! Hope you like them, too!