• Blog,  Colleen's Work

    Blogger Truthiness

    Without going into gory details, a feminist blogger whom I used to count among my friends was booted off my private FB page two years ago after I caught her leaking info. The stuff she leaked was often filtered through her truthiness meter, which is to say what you say and what she repeated often had little resemblance to one another. I haven’t spoken to her in about 2 years, and one of her nastier acts of revenge was posting a truthiness article last summer – clearly directed at me – which strongly implied I’d given her an interview. Which I had not. I never gave her an interview about…

  • Blog,  Creator Resources,  Fandom

    A Letter From a Friend

    I’ve written many times about toxic fan groups, and one of my oldest friends in fandom wrote me a letter about it. Printed with permission and light edits to remove personal information. Yesterday I got into a twitter-spat with a friend from many years ago. It was really kind of terrifying, but it gave me the opportunity to reflect on one of the things I am most thankful for.: Having known you. That fellow and I were once quite tight. What’s scary is that looking back I was well on my way to ending up like he has. The man I spoke to yesterday was once just like me and…

  • A Distant Soil Webcomic,  Blog

    When Cartoonists Party!

    Rantz Hoseley and Val Trullinger, my much appreciated background assistant and colorist on Amazing Fantastic Incredible Stan Lee are out in Lost Angeles attending a party full of glamour and excitement! Look how happy they are! I am home wearing velour sweats, big pink fuzzy slippers that look like pigs, drinking canned Starbucks, and working on a painting. I pity me.

  • Blog,  Colleen's Work,  Essays

    Why I don’t blog anymore

    EDIT: I go into details about time investment in the comments below. Dear Colleen, I bookmarked many posts on your site for information about self publishing and contracts, but when I came back to read the posts later everything was gone. Now I get page after page of broken links and comments without posts. Did you know that most of your website is completely broken? Kelly Dear Kelly, I stopped blogging in public regularly almost 8 years ago, (UPDATE: I now blog on my Patreon behind a paywall, so the 15 million hits this blog once got will now pay me directly instead of an advertising service that pays me…

  • A Distant Soil Webcomic

    Deven Stephens Hard Core A Distant Soil Tattoos

    Now that’s devotion. Deven Stephens, who has been an A DISTANT SOIL fan for years, has tattooed both legs with these incredibly detailed A DISTANT SOIL images. His tattoo artist is John Howard from Finishing Touch Tattoo in Mattoon IL. I am really impressed by this incredible work! These photos are posted with permission. Click for a larger look at the images. And then click again for a full page image. When someone makes your art a part of your life, it’s really special. Thanks for sharing these, Deven!

  • Blog,  Comics,  Manga

    Travel with Tezuka Productions

    The hardcover edition of the graphic novel adaptation of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast which I drew for the long-defunct Disney Comics. I bought this at the Books Kinokuniya store in Tokyo, and Takayuki Matsutani, president of Tezuka Productions, bought one for his daughter as well, since she was a Disney fan. In this picture, Jeff Smith, creator of BONE and RASL, and his wife/manager Vijaya Iyer and me (in the hat) pose in front of the Tezuka Productions entrance. Here is Takayuki Matsutani of Tezuka Productions, Fred Schodt, author of MANGA! MANGA! The world of Japanese Comics, Oscar and Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Jules Feiffer, Cartoonist Denys Cowan, and…

  • Blog,  Comics,  Manga,  Shows/Exhibits

    Hokusai Manga Lecture

    Some years back, I lectured at the Smithsonian Institution on Hokusai and manga. Fred Schodt, author of Manga! Manga! kindly recommended me as Artist In Residence. My parents saved the poster and had it framed for me for Christmas. Imagine my surprise! Apparently, they saved other props from the event, but the framer lost them. Bad framer.

  • A Distant Soil Blog Posts,  Blog,  Fandom

    Fan Art: Deven Stephens Gets a D’mer Tattoo

    Long time patron Deven Stephens sent me this great photo of his new tattoo from a sketch I made of D’mer in one of his hardcover limited editions. Deven says he also got D’mer’s ritual scars tattood on his arms and chest. I’m amazed and deeply flattered that people enjoy A DISTANT SOIL so much that they make it an important and intimate part of their lives! Thank you!