• A Distant Soil: Seasons of Spring Page 2

    A DISTANT SOIL has now been updated with new, secure software, which, as you can see, has left the blog and wiped out the comic, our themes, and all the gewgaws. Naturally, this is going to take time to fix. The easiest way to do this may simply be to ditch the old comics and reload the whole enchilada, which I would prefer not to do. This would wipe out all the original comments. But we have over 1000 pages of comic that has to be reconfigured page by page. I will start re-uploading Seasons of Spring using the new system ASAP and leave the older material for later.

  • A Distant Soil: Seasons of Spring – The A Distant Soil Prequel

    If you’re new to the A DISTANT SOIL comic, posting the prequel at this time might seem a little strange. But we are in the process of reformatting and uploading all previous A DISTANT SOIL story pages, over 800 files. This could take months of part time work. However, we are bringing you pristine, new digitally restored files at a much larger size than we could present five years ago when we started this webcomic. While we wrangle with that, we are loading all of the pages of the twenty-year-out-of-print A DISTANT SOIL prequel SEASONS OF SPRING as well. You can choose to read any chapter at any time by…

  • Blog,  Essays

    In Loving Memory of Mary Gray

    Mary Gray was an early editor/proofreader of A Distant Soil, and a major reason I didn’t give up on the project early when circumstances made it seem as if going on would not be worthwhile. She worked very briefly as an assistant editor at The Donning Company publishers, where, when the executive editor was let go, Donning passed her over and hired someone else to take the job I was sure she deserved. Mary did not like the pressure of the regular gig, and decided to leave the company. I asked Donning to keep her on a freelance basis as she asked, but Donning refused. She did most of the…

  • A Distant Soil Blog Posts,  Blog,  Fandom

    A Distant Soil Fan Art: Amazing Niniri Doll and Set!

    Allen, aka IXIDragonLordIXI has made a wonderful Niniri doll complete with elaborate Ovanan set! This is amazing! LOVE it!!! Looks at those earrings and that hairpiece! Those are real crystals! And Allen made the entire doll head and body himself. Here she is at her console, planning galactic domination in the sweetest way possible. And doing it all with fabulous hair! A girl likes to be well dressed, and this lovely cape is just the perfect accompaniment to the genteel megalomaniac’s wardrobe. Vogueing it, while poised to push the red button! Detail of the back of Niniri’s cape. Just love this, what an outstanding job, Allen! Thanks so much for…

  • A Distant Soil Blog Posts,  Blog

    A Distant Soil Cosplay

    For the life of me, I cannot find this nice young lady’s name, but here she is in a gorgeous Liana costume posing next to me ma! If you have any cosplay photos you’d like us to post here, please use the contact button to let me know and I will give you instructions for sending pics. When we have enough pics, we will set up a gallery. So much fun to see these! Thanks so much! Great work on this dress!